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Grandma and BR, shut the fuck up!

LiHub is now officially a Yahoo cesspool with two complete assholes masterbating publicly 24/7. Fucking unbelievable.



  1. TC, please dont hold back, tell us what you really think lol. Fwiw, you are 1000 percent correct imho.

    1. I'll confess I might have been a bit too restrained, and will be more forthright in the future.

    2. Grandma caused me to delete the iHub app. Something is not right with that person. I stick to StockTwits now. iHub is unusable.

    3. Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc
      Ban List
      Member: grandma_of_jbraika
      Date Banned: 09/10/2017 09:35:33 AM
      Banned By: IH Admin [Edward]
      Banned Until: Further Notice

  2. Looks like asshole number 1 was banned from Ihub (grandma). Now they should ban asshole number 2: BR

  3. Apparently there are multiple indications coming in October. This may be the last time to get in low before the sp begins its ascent.


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