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iHub has been hijacked by trolls

Yup. iHub can't get rid of "Biotech Researcher," aka BR.  It's both a win for BR (the troll), and a huge loss for iHub. Their platform loses value and credibility when they refuse to take action on perma-trolls that derail the discussion and distract investors from their efforts to just honestly share information and opinions on the equities they own.

So shame on iHub for not taking action to resolve this.

I'm going to cease and desist on posting there until the troll (BR) problem has been resolved, and credible, valuable posters have been reinstated. I've already cancelled my premium membership some time ago. I suggest you do the same.

With kind regards to all

Trading Cyclist (aka TC)


  1. Looking forward to getting your thoughts!

    1. Just want to take this opportunity to thank TC for all his efforts in establishing a forum where free speech is still held in high regard. I think many of us had become conditioned to self censor our posts over at Ihub and it may take some time for the reality to sink in that here we can say pretty much whatever we want within reason without fear of being deleted. BR did a great job of ruining the Ihub AUPH board, just as he and his buddy did at the Ihub Ariad board. We will never know how many honest people sold their shares in Ariad before it hit because of BR's FUD posts. That will not happen on this board as his crap wont survive the replies which will not be deleted here. Again, thanks TC for setting this up!

  2. Likewise!

    AP from The Mile High City!!!

  3. This alternative forum for an intelligent discussion on the merits and faults of our shared investment in AUPH is a great idea by Trading Cyclist. I want to thank him for the opportunity to voice my opinions and concerns about this investment WITHOUT fear of the heavy handed censorship on the other board which kept us from appropriately responding to those whose only interest is to instill fear, anxiety, and doubt about this company. There is a place here for everyone except those who post deliberate misinformation which includes both blatant and subtle lies. Those of us who are tired of this never ending bs will definitely respond to these provocations here without fear of childish "deletions" and "jailtime" which are the "punishments" for voicing ones opinions on the other board. A brief warning to "biotech researcher": you aren't welcome here and you can expect to receive the uncensored replies that your assinine comments deserve. Changing monikers won't help either as it would be similar to applying lipstick to a'll still be a pig BR and the stench of your style will follow despite whatever moniker you choose. Here's to a forum for free discussion without the repression so rampant on the other board!

    1. Amen. Let's see who else we can bring over. Isn't it nice to be able to state frankly what bullshit BR posts without getting deleted by some twit of a moderator?

    2. "without getting deleted by some TWIT of a moderator" was a classic line and deserves to be mentioned at the victory party. We need to keep track of gems like that one.

    3. Glad we have this site. I have been in AUPH since May 2016 but increased my position substantially when we moved to AUPH from ARIA. Has anyone noticed the difference between the endpoints for the AURORA trial published in PR's by the company and those published on which was recently updated? The gov site shows primary endpoint to be renal response at 24 weeks. The site was updated on May 17 but this was not changed.


    4. Hey Rick, go by the endpoints noted in the PR. is still showing endpoints from when they designed the trial after FDA meeting when 24 wk data was released. Ph3 is almost identical with 52 weeks being the Primary Endpoint.

    5. I am going by the PR but the company updated the data on the gov site on May 17 and didn't make the correction. It bothers me that some clerk at AUPH is screwing up.


    6. Looks like the only update they made was that it started. Might be an error by the site and not Auph. You could always email IR with the request.

    7. Sent them an email.


    8. Let me know if you get anything back, I hear they mostly don't respond to emails.

  4. thank you for taking this blog on - removal of BR comments will only enhance real discussions without fake news. I could no longer post on Ihub due to BR insidious comments there. I only wish others would stop the back and forth with him/her. (yankees7_)

  5. Thanks for the new hangout, looking forward to the next few years.

  6. From XMYUKON on Stock Twits. Every time Auph goes down a dime, Duggan loses $575k... and he's still in. Think about that.

  7. The constant insidious comments by BR were very rarely deleted and were there to try to erode the confidence in AUPH which most of us share. His recent assertion that Wainright's analyst stated that another dilution would be necessary very cleverly failed to mention that Wainright's analyst made that assertion about the need to fund the marketing effort AFTER approval, but NOT the approval itself which is fully funded. A typical example of a bullshit half-truth by BR. There are infinite examples of other half truths, blatant lies, and innuendo with which BR attempts to further his agenda of getting some novice retailers to doubt themselves and this investment. He is a heartless bastard who doesnt give a crap about the people he is hurting, especially the patients who stand to lose the most if their life saving drugs are not approved because investors like us pulled our funds from the companies which need those monies to sustain their operations because of the bs from people like BR. There is a special place in Hell for people like BR who help delay life saving drugs from being approved for people who are suffering terribly. But what goes around comes around and one of these days BR or someone close to him is going to need one of the drugs he has helped to stop or delay from becoming available to the public. That will be poetic justice.

    1. Re the BR phenom/enigma- I can understand/sympathize why he has annoyed/frustrated the hell out of many due to the long history you've had with this character. I see him somewhat differently; maybe mostly owing to the lack of said history. FWIW, here is what I think I see:

      When I was reading the board history, at one point there was a series of posts wherein a bunch of you were opening up and sharing things about yourselves, sort of a bonding process. At some point during "the reveal", someone asked BR what his story was and there was no response from him.

      I think he's a very unhappy guy who is carrying a heavy load; so much baggage a freight car could not contain it.

      Along with the bipolar tendencies, fear of intimacy, insecurities, etc.; there is what I suspect a sort of autism- totally social awkward and unable to relate to others in a healthy way.

      I can picture him in a cubicle (or his Mom's basement) wearing his "Does Not Play Well With Others" t-shirt while composing his latest attempt at validation.

      Tough to feel and expression compassion for such as he, but I see his sad posts and say to myself "there but for the Grace of God go I".


    2. TC- thanks much (you have yet to see my worst-I have a long way to go).

      Also thanks for creating this venue- really nice to feel the chains & shackles fall off and be able to breathe freedom without fear of being clubbed and stomped on by the police.

      Best regards & wishes,


  8. 83.3M * 12.5% (Stock option plan) means an additional 10.4M shares (includes common and options exercised).

    WOW. 116M shares exercised

  9. Yo it's LongTraders here mate. Thanks for starting this TC 😬

  10. Hi guys, I have a couple of questions/concerns. I'm pretty heavily invested in AUPH and looking to add more. I am confused a bit on how the institutional ownership can increase so much + the short interest rise so quickly and the stock to decrease. I understand that Fidelity is a large institutional investor BUT on another board someone commented that they probably are shorting it. Would Fidelity show up as an institutional buyer if they actually shorted it? What are people's thoughts on the high short interest?

    Look forward to a board focused on this without the noise.

    1. I believe they count as being an institutional investor regardless if they have a long or short position. I haven't heard any good theories as why the short interest is so high, but I find it encouraging that the with all their efforts to short the stock it's not moving much.

  11. I've officially made the shit list over at iHub, all of my posts deleted almost instantly.

    Thanks for setting this up TC.


    1. Wear it as a badge of honor, brother.

    2. Sorry to hear about your news today, hopefully on to bigger and better in the very near future.

  12. Great to have you here Lunacy. Your posts are very much appreciated and you won't be deleted here or aggravated by BR's BS.

    1. Thanks Vid, I'm not one to get frustrated easily but the blatant biased censorship has become quite annoying.

    2. Lun, we dealt with that shit for years on the Ariad Ihub board. BR apparently has some pull with the Ihub administrators as his crap is rarely deleted and always inflammatory and generally bs. We dont have to deal with that here. Please advise the other honest people there to come here as the more intelligent posters we have on this forum the better this board will be.

  13. Pencow on Ihub is BR. Message to zzaatt and jess, you are welcome here to post freely and without repercussions as the other board is being monitored by BR's buddies who are probably getting a share of his earnings from whatever scumbags he works for.

  14. Warning, this is another TROLL on stocktwits, quite possible not engage.

  15. Please tell newbie on Ihub that I still advocate buying the dips but I cant reply as the asshole monitors have suspended my privileges, no great loss lol.

  16. Hope we can get some more folks to migrate over from iSnub. I'm basically just using my posts now to convince people to come over.

    1. I posted the link on iHub, but it was deleted very quickly...shocker!

  17. Hi Guys

    Thanks for setting up this site. I bought at 7.14, and of course, there was a dip. What are your thoughts about the price dipping more in the near future? I am trying to convince myself that I should invest more, but am hesitant.

  18. For what it is worth I think AUPH is the best value of any biotech....the sp being held back to facilitate the transfer of shares to the institutional investors. Our best hope of not letting the day to day fluctuations wear us down is to stick together on this board, free from censorship and free from the creep on the other board.

    1. It's that daily gnawing away, and distorting of reality that was driving me nuts at iSnub. It shifts the narrative, gets into your head. Complete bullshit of course, but I don't need the mind game.

  19. OK- How do we start new threads in this and get input on different topics that are relevant to the longs? All I can see that I can do is post under one of the existing categories. Topics I would like to cover would include the science, Phase 2 results, short interest, institutional buyers etc. I could give a rats ass about some BR guy from another board. No offense intended.

  20. TC, what about creating a new post each day with the title being the date? It doesn't appear that individuals can create new posts, only reply to them. Just thinking of a way to track recent posts.

    1. Smart interim solution. Let me do that now while I'm figuring out how to enable folks to start new threads themselves. Thanks for that!!

  21. Many thanks for starting this site, TC. BR B-Gone! If I start to miss his suspect downer posts I'll go back to i-hub, but for now that site can kiss my clicks goodbye.

    I'm looking forward to checking in here multiple times daily. Won't post too often, as I'm still a novice at biotech investing, but will be soaking in all you guys and gals have to offer.

    Very best to all,


    1. My pleasure, Eileen, and thanks for joining us and posting here!!

  22. Thanks TC, I look forward to checking I several times a day as well. The intelligent posters on old IHub boards have really helped my accounts over the last five years. Envelope at today's price I went all in with all my Ariad money and have doubled my worth since January.

    1. Good to have you here! BTW, I'm going to start a new "thread" on a daily basis, just so it's easier to follow what folks are talking about on any given day. Open to other ways to make this easier if folks come up with anything!


  23. I think Keith is right. I am guilty of overdoing the BR tirade but it felt good to vent after all these years. Hope you can figure out how to make it a bit easier to follow and post due to the various threads as you are already aware of TC but this board/blog is already much better than the fasciist Ihub site.

    1. Hi Vid. Per Luna's suggestion, I'm starting a new "daily thread" every morning (at least when I remember), so that way we can respond to (and know where to find) the most current posts. Still need to figure out how to grant others permission to START a new thread, as I'd like you, Luna and others to be able to do it. Will see if I can figure that out tonight.

  24. How many times have we been through days like this during the Ariad dog days....I am trying to maintain some discipline and not add more shares but if we break under 6 my discipline may be outvoted by my greed lol. Seriously though, this price action has zero effect on how I feel about AUPH at this point. I think this is easily the most derisked, best bargain of any small biotech. It is only a matter of time before we win the prize, again, simply by doing nothing which isn't easy as we all like to be proactive. But the best investors ever including Lynch and Buffet all advocate the same thing which is to find a great company which is undervalued and then hang on to the shares as long as necessary.

    1. It's hard on days like these, that's for sure.

      BTW, per Luna's suggestion, I'm starting a new thread on a daily basis (title is the date). Hopefully that will make it easier for everyone to see what's recent. Also need to figure out how to grant authority to others (like you, Luna etc.) to initiate a new thread. Will get to that as soon as I have a little time to fiddle with Blogger.



    2. That sounds good TC. A very successful start to your blog for sure. As to today's action, as a rule days like today used to bother me a lot back before Ariad hit. Now they don't bother me at all, mostly because I have a lot more confidence in Glickman to be successful than I ever had with Berger or PP.

    3. Agreed. It's never pretty to see your stock in red, but at least now I understand this game (I think...), and it's not nearly as painful. Looking forward to the celebration part in Vancouver!!

    4. Another difficult day. The only question now is do we stay disciplined and do nothing, or do we take advantage of the ridiculous sp and buy more...or wait until the knife stops falling and then buy more. Decisions, decisions.

    5. Yes, difficult decisions. Guess it all depends on how much dry power one has (!)


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