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Friday, June 2nd 2017 - and a disclaimer about the purpose of this "anti-blog"

Auphie loves Friday!

This is an "anti-blog."

Folks, it was noted by a kind poster on ST that there's not much content here. That's by design.  This is an "anti-blog" which is intended to provide a place for Auphians to share ideas without the risk on iHub, i.e. domination by trolls and heavy handed censorship. From time to time, but not often,  we will push some content. But otherwise, this is YOUR place to share ideas, safely, about AUPH and not be limited by 140 characters.

Kind regards to all,



  1. CellCept (MMF) is the current SOC for LN which Glickman and his team developed. IT is however not even FDA approved for LN, it's being used off-label. CellCept was approved for organ transplant. What does this mean for Voclosporin's potential? As soon as AUPH receives it's first FDA approval for VOC, we will likely see it used for many other indications "Off-label" just as CellCept is today. The market for Voc is much larger than many suspect, and has already been proven significantly superior to many of the current drugs on the market toady. Rest assured Glickman and his team are very aware of the $ potential for both on-label & off-label use.

    1. Heldnova This link has an interesting discussion on Voclosporin.


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Jess. Not sure why you're driving traffic to LieHub. That board has been completely infected by BR, and is no longer a safe place. That's why I created this troll free, censorship free space for honest folks to exchange ideas about Auph. It's such a mess over at LieHub I would not feel comfortable sending folks there.

    4. I was thinking it would be easier for many of the guys here to just point and click the link instead of cutting it, pasting it and clicking it.
      It's a little cumbersome here if you're using IPad. Anyway, it got deleted by ihub admin, their reason is that they think it's a spam. Ok...won't happen again. But you're 100% right, it's infected by the noid virus. I have a feeling there is some collusion going on between the virus and admin.

    5. I am very proud to say that Liehub administration found my posts so objectionable that I have been permanently banned from reading or posting on their fascist board. I consider that as a great honor from which I will double my efforts to comment as honestly as I can on topics relevant to our shared great investment in AUPH in this terrific environment of free speech so unlike the unAmerican Liehub board. I urge everyone still posting on that board to consider the importance of trying to support this board which upholds the concept of free speech upon which this country was founded and which is laughed at by the administrators of that fascist board. Long live our great country and the freedoms we have here which are so important to everyone.

    6. Amen.

      That's the last straw...banning the guy who was the reason the majority, or at least many of us were there in the first place. The LieHub AUPH board turned into an absolute cesspool, and I'm feeling much healthier being the hell out of it. If others still want to swim in those infested waters, so be it. I wish them well.

      I also welcome all the posters there (except one) to our new place, The Auphians. Well keep this troll free, and censorship free.

      Onward, and great to have you here Vid.


  2. Will we make it to 6.5 today? And if we do, what will BR have to say??

    1. The whole board has turned on him, so he's trying to win back support so that he can get back to his bearish games.

    2. Haha, serves him right. What a total BASTARD he is. Someone just posted something defending him, and I suspect it was BR himself. So I nuked it. Call it censorship, or troll control...whatever. I refuse to deal with his BS.

    3. I don't believe in censorship but in this case I agree with your action. The bastard deserves it for the way the nazi ihub administration treats him versus everyone else.

    4. TC...I was just trying to bring a little BR fun to your Blog...

  3. If Voclosporin is as good as they say it is based on clinical results data with its great therapeutic potential and not a single significant AE issue on the more than 2000 patients that went through the treatment, the FDA will surely notice that with just constant nudge of appeal by the management to the FDA explaining why the drug should be considered for a review consideration. After all, a marketed Voclosporin would benefit both the patients and the Insurance companies cost wise. These current and future conferences in Europe could factor in the determination of voclosporin as a very viable alternative treatment for LN given that it is effectively much better than the current standard of treatment.
    Having opined this, I'm quite confident that Aurinia P. Is already being discussed in the boardroom of some BPs, perhaps drawing a plan on how cheap they can acquire this stock, lol. I can agree that a BO now can fetch between 20/50 and a BO later is very much costly to the acquirer. I tend to agree 100% on TCs pricing model...jmo.

    1. Totally agree. I think BO is sooner than we think. Maybe July??


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